Alone Time | Cafes

Blogging at a cafe with a caramel macchiato at the side. Yes. Just that. And then the waiters decided to give me a hot lemon tea for FREE. K...

Blogging at a cafe with a caramel macchiato at the side. Yes. Just that. And then the waiters decided to give me a hot lemon tea for FREE. Kinda enjoying this time alone moment. No one to bother. 

Here are some of the things you will realize when you go to a cafe alone.

1. People will stare at you. Wondering what are you doing alone.
2. You want to go to the toilet but you can't. Because, who's gonna take care of your stuff? (I was in the middle of something)
3. Lots of mugs on your table. It looks like you're spending so much money but in fact, it is just one drink.
4. You know what you'll be doing at the cafe. You concentrate more when you're alone and no one will tell you they want to go back early.
5. After yr work is done, you will spend a lot of time watching YouTube or discovering Pinterest. What the heck? It is your time! 
6. You'll watch the TV? Why? Because it happens to be right in front of you and the funniest video will be on. You'll laugh by yourself. Sad. Not really. You won't care. Well, I won't care.
7. You won't go back until you're tired and realize you have work tomorrow.

Good night. 

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